Wednesday, January 23, 2008

GeoSpot Challenge Series 1.1

If 2 of your close buddies are getting themselves seriously hurt, fighting over what that seems like a piece of uncut diamond when it's really just one very hard and compressed piece of shit?

(assuming that you are an expert in gemstones and rocks, and that that piece of shit IS really a piece of glittery shit. )

Would you:

(a) Tell them both to stop, stating your reasons and subsequently get stoned by them for doing so. Then, they continue fighting.

(b) Let them be and watch them bleed until your guilt kills you before the loss of blood kills them.

(c) Laugh and walk away. Only fools will fight over that. They reap what they sow.

(d) others?


Sunday, October 21, 2007


The adventures of the A u d i t o r ..... Part 1

What a job. It's been weeks since I've started on this job and I felt like there's a whole new meaning to the word "life".

For instance, I was AMAZED at how bright the house can be without having to switch on any lights - oh yeah, I forgot that it's daytime that's why...

Well, since I've been working really hard, it seems the big man upstairs decided to reward me with the holy flu-bug.

*wink* =)

I'm so happy that I'm ill. I'm actually happy to be ill..

Gosh, just look at what work can do to someone. HELP!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Wow.. I'm old now. Just started work. I'm so not used to it, but in any case,

w h a t e v e r~

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

"whatever" is the worst word for health... Opps

Read this from Yahoo Health, also found at

" the word "whatever" is nearly always a sign that I am headed down the wrong path. That path can often lead to depression and anger, which are undoubtedly states that are harmful to our health.

Do you remember the moment in the late 90s when whatever became the word du jour? Everyone from LA valley girls with bad attitude to cynical New Yorkers could suddenly be heard exclaiming, "Whatever!" every time they heard something they didn't like. The word simultaneously conveyed disdain, superiority, and frustration.

I often promote the idea of accepting life as it is, and whatever can seem like a part of that healthy principle for living. But whatever is actually about rejection and closing down; the exact opposite of accepting and opening myself up to the world.

When whatever pops up in my vocabulary, here are some unhealthy attitudes that might be bubbling under the surface of my daily life:

How we love to judge other people, finding fault with them in an effort to cover up our own insecurities. And there is plenty to judge in the world. But what does it get me? Other people rarely change because of my disapproval. Instead, I have separated myself from you and the rest of the world.

How easy it is to reject the world! I don't have to do a thing but sit back and cross my arms. That is laziness. I need to continue to be a person of integrity in the world and contribute. Otherwise, I really have no reason to hope things will change.

I sometimes think I know exactly how the world should be and that things would run a lot more smoothly if everyone did it my way. This very quickly gets me to the sneering state of whatever because, inevitably, people don't behave as I want them to. But what makes me think that my way is best? Arrogance.

If I am frustrated or afraid, I can quite easily revert to a six-year-old. In that state, I am not inclined to work through conflict. Rather, I want to shut everything down and storm away. Whatever is perfect for such childish exchanges.

So I would encourage you to be alert the next time you hear yourself crankily exclaiming, "Whatever!" and take a look at what is going on inside of you. Whatever it is, it probably isn't good for your health. "

Geez.. Judgemental, lazy, arrogant and childish... I won't deny there's some truth to the article. Oh no... =p Time to change myself - & my blog name =p

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Won a MINI COOPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so we did...

Tada!!! Check out my Mini!! Isn't it* b e a u t i f u l??? =D

*not the blue one. the red one in my hands...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

you can't go wrong with the cat's instincts

Comfort is what o.b. tampons & Whisper pads can provide....

Hidden talents part 1

My first attempt at french manicure.
I knew I've got talent...